Everything English Education Consultancy

Full information about Establishment Everything English Education Consultancy at 85, Derwentside Business Centre, Viewpoint, Consett, England DH8 6BN. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


85, Derwentside Business Centre, Viewpoint, Consett, England DH8 6BN
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+44 191 406 6377



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Everything English Education Consultancy

Reviews about Everything English Education Consultancy

  • Hikaru chan
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    This company is ran by greedy rude two faced people, I worked here for like two years and count the amount of bad experiences, they always threatened to cancel my visa, every month for two years there was always some deduction on my promised pay, this company treat you like just another number in their profit making. The school was charged 16,000 a month from Enfly and Enfly gave me 6,000 a month. Avoid this company cut out the greedy middle man. I had a small accident there too and despite Enfly saying they had health insurance for me they didn’t give me a single yuan. What’s the point of the contract if you don’t honor it? The contract is about as real as the visa you got me, I think it’s fair to say there’s a reason this company changes its name so many times, hiding from the truth that they’re a terrible company!!!! Happiest day of my life when I joined. Competitor who gave me double the salary these low life’s gave me.
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